I wanted to make sure I still can install colormunki Photo from the original CD, which I own(ed). I use an external CD-ROM drive for that purpose. Here on my Mac OS Catalina, it wouldn’t work. The Finder wasn’t showing any CD, disc utility would show there is something on the CD, but it was not possible to mount it.

The occurring error was:
„Could not mount (com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49153)“.
So I tried google and came across the online Archive for the original CD:
The result was the same – same error, no success. So I was continuing my search and came across the following website which described the exactly same error and hinted on the possible reason:
„Apple_HFS format may be the issue!“
And so it is – I connected my external CD drive to an older MacMini running Mac OS El Capitan. There was no problem in mounting the CD and copying the Mac OS install kit of colormunki photo from it.